Life as Your Best Self is a five step journey, spread over 8 weeks, where we draw from the best of who you were as a younger person, the best of who you are today and craft a vision for who you want to become, and the life you want to live moving forward.

Does Your life essentially check all of the boxes, but you’re feeling bored, restless, or stuck in place? You know you’re capable of so much more. This desire has been growing for some time now but you just don’t know where or how to begin to make a change. Imagine waking up every day feeling inspired and on-purpose.

As you move through your day and through your life you are being your best self, moving closer to the richness and quality of life you deeply desire. When your actions are in alignment with being your best self, you’re in’re present, energized, and feeling like you are exactly where you need to be.

That’s exactly what Life as Your Best Self can do for you.

The Steps to Life as Your Best Self are:


Love Fest:  Who You Were + Who You Are

By the end of this step, you’ll have reconnected with the juiciest, most powerful aspects of your past and present, so you can see and feel the awesomeness you already possess.

Envision Who You Want to Become

By the end of this step, you’ll have a clear image of fully-formed, future you and how you want to exist in the day to day so you can focus your time and energy on making your vision a reality.

Clear Your Path

By the end of this step, you’ll have identified and mastered strategies to overcome the fears, doubts, and obstacles that come with transformation, so you will gain unstoppable momentum toward your vision.

Design Your Path

By the end of this step, you’ll have a clear plan to get you from where you are now to your vision, so you can stay focused and on course without wasting time and energy on the things that keep you from moving closer to your vision.

Take Action

By the end of this step, you’ll have a tailor-made plan with clear steps and goal dates so you will know exactly what to do as you move toward becoming your best (most energized, motivated, happy, focused) self living each day on-purpose and with meaning.


Your Best Self is Waiting to Be Embraced by You. Go Get Her!

Stepping into your best self can be scary. 

It’s natural to have questions.

How do I know you’re the right person to help me?

How do I know this will work for me?

How can I fit this in with all the other demands on my time?

Is 8 weeks enough time to totally change my life?

Life as Your Best Self is rich, rewarding and on-purpose. 


This you that is composed of sparkly youth, the mature and sophisticated you of today, and the vision of who you are moving toward becoming feels mindful, creative and kinder to yourself and others. Becoming your best self infuses your daily tasks with new joy and purpose. And, your newfound focus lets you finally take on those new challenges you’ve been daydreaming about for years. 

This is where you’ve been wanting to be: balanced, loving, energized, inspired.

It can be so scary moving away from sameness. You hear that little voice in your head pressing you to keep things exactly the way they’ve been for years. I was stuck there for more than 20 years. But, let me ask you, what happens if you don’t do anything?  What happens if you stay in the same exact place you have been?

There is a way and this time you’re not alone.

Together, we can make this happen for you. Sign up for our program today.